Books I am reading in 2023

Mayur Macwan
Mayur Macwan’s Blog
2 min readApr 5, 2023


As always, I do this type of post every couple of years, and then do not do it for another couple of years :). Also, generally, I read books that are referred to by a friend, or as in most cases, one book that I read, and enjoy, has references to other books, and I end up reading the other books. So going forward, I will add two sections in every book review: 1-how was I referred to this book, and 2-what other books I Will be potentially reading due to this book.

Never Split the Difference

I just finished reading Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss and I have to say it was amazing. This book is not just about negotiation, it’s about human psychology, communication, and influence. It’s full of practical tips and real-life stories that will blow your mind. I learned how to use empathy, mirroring, labelling, and calibrated questions to get what I want in any situation. Whether it’s dealing with a hostage taker, a car salesman, or a family member, this book will teach you how to master the art of persuasion. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to improve their skills and relationships. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

Referred by:

This book referred me to read:



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